Like a Fish In Water

Clownfish and anemoneIn a previous post I wrote about a new something that is happening where it seems like I am looking through a camera lens and the world of forms is arising on that screen.

This post I have some new phenomena to report that is equally fascinating and strange.

I was doing nothing in particular the other day, when the sense of ME seemed to be recognized in a new, totally familiar way.

I know, the term ‘new’ and the word ‘familiar’ seem to contradict each other ,but that is the best way I can describe the experience of it.

There was a recognition of ME in a totally new and exciting fashion, while simultaneously feeling very familiar.

Familiar in a way that it was clearly seen that the ME has always been here my entire life.  But also new, in a way that even though I have always been here, there was a fresh recognition of it.

The familiarity of it seemed so obvious.   There was a silent transmission that sort said: “Well yeah…of course I have always been here.  Who do you think sees and hears and feels and tastes?”

But the fresh “new” recognition was exciting and liberating too.  The character of mind-me was still functioning like normal, but the angst and seeking and striving was no longer present.  My concern for the character and what it wants and thinks it needs, and strives for , and on and on etc etc etc, was no longer there.

I know it has been said before, but the fish in water analogy seems to be a fitting metaphor here.

If a fish were to notice water for the first time in their life, it would be totally amazed while also recognizing that the water had always been there.

For the fish, normally the water is overlooked.  The attention is focused on what arises in the water..including other aquatic life, rocks, smells, sensations, sounds and all the rest.

I have heard this metaphor many times before, but the mind-me always made it out to be some miraculous state that only enlightened gurus are entitled to experience…but in actuality it is so simple and ordinary, I can see why it goes unnoticed.

Now that I made a big deal out of this ‘Fish in Water’ thing, I have to be careful the mind-me does not hijack what happened and make it into a personal experience.  

Until this ME thing is firmly established, all the previous practices relating to the “me” still need to be implemented continually.  Invite the ‘Me’ Thoughts to the Presence and DIEMORE are two posts that talk a little about this practice. 

Even writing and talking about the ‘Fish in Water’ event seems to make the reality of it fade away.

About beliefpatrol

just a person suffering from the personal dilemma of being a person :-)

9 responses »

  1. Wonderful! It seems like you had an ‘awakening’ ! But you could substitute that word with which ever one that your prefer – presence? Stillness? That? YOu are truly blessed! I wish you all the joy on your inner journey! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! That sounds like an exciting and important discovery.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pretty amazing Karin. I did have something similar a few years back but it was more like a split second glimpse. This was more subtle and lasted for quite a while. After this, the “me” came back and got excited. I didn’t report about this right away because the “me” had urgency to share it and I didn’t want to feed the “me.” I posted it today because The “me” moved onto other things LOL

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Karin. Still working on the Synchronicity post. It is taking me longer because it is a little more complicated than I thought it would be. I want to make sure I convey how important the events were at the time, to allow me to continue down a road I originally ‘thought’ was a little nuts LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I know this feeling and I think you explained it so beautifully!!! ❤

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