Cinnamon for Reactive Hypoglycemia

CinnamonFor most of my life I did not realize this, but I have come to find out through research and observation that my body has a hard time processing sugar.  It seems that my body has a negative reaction to foods with a high glycemic load.

Eating candy, white bread, most pasta ,and even many types of fruit, seem to cause the body to have an insulin rush and subsequent Low Blood Sugar Type symptoms…commonly known as Reactive Hypoglycemia.

Almost immediately after eating sugary food or snacks, I can feel my adrenaline rise and my heart pound.  I get nervous, tense, irritable, and anxious.  My body seems to go into fight or flight mode.

My brain starts to get a little fuzzy, and my mind starts to shut down. I can suddenly get very sleepy and have an urgent need to lie down.  This is especially dangerous when driving my car.

Recently I began experimenting with taking cinnamon in hopes of alleviating the Reactive Hypoglycemia symptoms.

I am here to report that it is working!

No adrenaline rush, no mind fuzz, no anxiousness, and no need to lie down after consuming sugary foods and snacks.

I am not sure of the technical reasons why it works for this body, but it is clear that cinnamon definitely helps the cells absorb and utilize sugar in a beneficial way.

I don’t plan on becoming a junk food junkie or anything, but at least I now have  a solution if I know I will be eating in a way that would previously have knocked me for a loop.

Just wanted to share in case anyone has similar issue…

About beliefpatrol

just a person suffering from the personal dilemma of being a person :-)

7 responses »

  1. Interesting. I love cinnamon, I didn’t realize it had these properties.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, it is effective. One caveat–Make sure you are using Ceylon cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon, which is the most common used in the US, is toxic.

    See the attached:

    Liked by 1 person

    • yes, I have tried Ceylon (True) Cinnamon and Cassia Cinnamon. Each one affects me a little differently, but both seem to help process sugar. The cinnamon definitely helps but I can sense more when no sugar.
      I have also heard of Saigon Cinnamon and Korintje Cinnamon and may try to score one or both eventually.

      Thank you!


      • I have read that Saigon Cinnamon and Korintje Cinnamon contain significantly higher levels of coumarin than Cassia so are not recommended and likely not safe options in large doses (which are required to control blood sugar levels. I recommend Ceylon cinnamon or the extract of Cassia cinnamon (which has had the coumarin removed).

        Liked by 1 person

      • thanks, good to know !


  3. Hello, how much cinnamon are you consuming and how?



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